Senin, 22 November 2010

Story Telling

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, di kelasku ada pengambilan nilai story telling. (tentunya ini pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yaa...) Saat itu aku mendapat giliran ke-3, gara-gara Yohanes yang memilihku grr... Jadi cara memilihnya, pertama-tama Mr. Hendra memberikan pertanyaan dan orang pertama yang mampu menjawabnya dengan benar berhak untuk menentukan siapa yang akan tampil duluan. Siswa yang tampil kemudian akan memilih temannya yang lain untuk tampil selanjutnya. Demikian seterusnya.

Padahal waktu itu propertiku untuk tampil belum siap. Aku menceritakan tokoh gorila dan meminjam gantungan kuncinya Denis yang juga bergambar gorila, sayangnya Denis lupa. Alhasil, aku tampil tanpa membawakan alat peraga tokoh-tokoh utama (rencananya mau pakai), jadi aku hanya pakai kertas-kertas bergambar yang entah semua teman-temanku dapat melihatnya atau tidak hahaha... 

Ini ceritanya (of course in English)
Job at the Zoo
There is a man, he had already done jobs, working at the restaurant and grocery stores, but he wanted to try something more interesting. While searching around, he stopped at the zoo.
As it turned out, the zoo director liked his style and said, “I have an interesting job that I feel you can handle.” They walked through the zoo until they got to the gorilla cage. But, it was empty.
The director told him, “Our gorilla named Kong was in quarantine for the next week. When the crowds started arriving on the weekend, they’d be disappointed to have no gorilla since everyone enjoys the gorilla exhibit, even a boring old gorilla.”
The director said, “But I have a gorilla suit that you can wear if you will be interested in sitting on the branch for 4 hours at a time so the people will at least have something to look at.” It sounded good to him, not an usual job, so he told the director, “I will.”
The next day he went to the zoo, put on the gorilla cage and climbed into the cage. He sat on the branch, thump his chest, and twirl the rope. He grabbed the rope and swing across the cage. The kids thought it was great so he started swinging higher and higher.
In the next cage there was a lion. The man kept swinging and started to swing to the lion’s side of the cage. It was actually pretty fun and the kids were really enjoying the show.
All of a sudden the man missed his cage, so he flew through, but unfortunately he dropped into the lion’s cage! He landed on his back and was stunned but immediately got up and ran to the front of the cage to the crowd, screaming, “Help me, help me, I’m not who you think I am!”
Just as he yelled, the lion jumped on his back and knocked him to the ground. His head was at his neck. Then, do you know what happened? Then it whispered in his ear, “Shut up stupid, or you’ll get us both fired.”

Dan ini properti yang kugunakan (seperti yang sudah kuceritakan tadi, ini hanya seadanya saja)

 Restaurant dan Grocery Store tempat pria itu bekerja sebelumnya

Zoo sebagai latar tempat sebagian besar cerita

The Zoo Director

The Cage (kandang)

Ini kujadikan sebagai gambaran pria yang memakai kostum gorila

Oh ya, aku juga menggunakan dasi dan topi pet. Dasi kugunakan saat aku berpura-pura berperan sebagai direkturnya dan berbicara kepada si pria tersebut. Demikian juga topi petnya, aku gunakan saat aku sendiri berperan atau bertingkah laku sebagai si pria hehehe...

Selain itu, teman-temanku juga banyak yang menampilkan "a good story telling". Contohnya, teman sebangkuku sendiri, Yohanes. Dia bisa menirukan berbagai suara yang lucu hehehe... Ada juga Elfon yang kurang lebih sama seperti Yohanes, suaranya mirip suara hewan yang menjadi tokoh di dalam cerita. Elsinta bahkan bisa membuat wayang dari karton *waw, kreatif sekali ya dia. Apalagi Alvin, lebaynya tidak ada tandingannya hahaha...
So, that's all. Mana tau teman-temanku yang jago bercerita ini bisa mengembangkan bakatnya dan bisa dijadikan pekerjaan sampingan hihihi...

Sabtu, 13 November 2010


If you think you have huge tension, look at them...

If you think your job is tough, how about her...

If you think your salary is low, how about her?
If you think you don't have many friends, ask yourself if you have one sincere friend as... this Dog...

You think, study is a burden, how about her?
When you feel like giving up, think of this man...

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?

If your society is unfair to you, how about her?
  Di saat kita dimanja dan disayang, manjakah mereka?

Kita sering mengeluh tentang makanan disaat ia sedang membayangkan untuk dapat makan happy meal...

Masihkah Kita berpikir untuk membentak ibu kita?