Jumat, 22 Desember 2017
Hari Jumat depan gue ke Wonosari. So, selagi sempat gue mau nulis dulu. Gue baru selesai baca Resume 2016 gue yang dulu. Now it's time to wrap up for 2017. Konsepnya akan berbeda: kalau tahun lalu tentang momen-momennya, kali ini gue mau bahas orang-orangnya.
1. Mereka akan selalu berada dalam urutan pertama: keluarga, for showering me with your unconditional love, for giving me the privilege of free-thinking, the opportunity to explore the world, and the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
2. Fionna, the best friend anyone could ask for (it's almost scary that we practically read each other's mind).
gue, papa, mama, cici, En En, Ce Ho |
3. Christy & Felita. Yes, we're not at the same age, but yes, talking to you both face to face is the thing that I always love.
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with Titi |
4. Teman-teman sesama Pemuda Buddhayana. You guys have already open my mind for some things.
5. Beberapa teman sesama kepaniteraan klinik. Why I said 'some'? Karena emang benar yang dibilang teman-teman sejawat, koas membuka semua sifat asli teman-teman kita. "Kamu akan melihat teman-temanmu yang sebenarnya. Benar-benar baik, atau mungkin benar-benar buruk."
6. Orang-orang di atas are the true people I want to thank. Selebihnya masih ada, tapi mungkin karena satu dan lain hal (misalnya jarak), jadi belum se-berkesan orang-orang tadi. Mereka Winny, Ko Aseng, Ci Iva. Kehadiran mereka sebagai tempat curhat sangat menenangkan.
with Winny |
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with Ko Aseng, my humble senior |
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Muka Ci Iva emang ga keliatan, but I can't stop the tears in my eyes when I hugged her. Bukan sedih, tapi terenyuh. Like, finally I got a new role model after all those difficult times. |
Seharusnya gue juga bikin "... para guru, orang-orang di sekitar gue, senior, bla bla bla..." Sorry, I'm not that kind of people yang suka berbasa-basi. Gue akui basa-basi busuk itu perlu, but occasionally in formal meeting. Ngapain gue formal-formal di blog sendiri haha... So, here is the list. In life, sometimes you're very lucky to bump into extraordinary people who make you believe that there's nothing you can't accomplish in this world if you put your mind into it, and I'm deeply indebted to these people for the never-ending inspiration. Once again, thank you!